Table of Contents




Version 5 (Aril 24, 2011)
MEGA is an integrated tool for conducting automatic and manual sequence alignment, inferring phylogenetic trees, mining web-based databases, estimating rates of molecular evolution, and testing evolutionary hypotheses.

Program information

Data type handled

Input Files

Common Features

Sequence Input Data

Command Setting Remark Example
DataType DNA, RNA, nucleotide, protein DataType=DNA
NSeqs integer Number of sequences NSeqs=85
NTaxa integer Synonymous with NSeqs NTaxa=85
NSites integer Number of nucleotides Nsites=4592
Property Exon, Intron, Coding, Noncoding, and End Specifies whether a domain is protein coding. Exon and Coding are synonymous, as are Intron and Noncoding. End specifies that the domain with the given name ends at this point Property=cyt_b
Indel single character dash (-) to identify insertion/deletions Indel = -
Identical single character use period (.) to show identity with the first sequence Identical = .
MatchChar single character Synonymous with the identical keyword MatchChar = .
Missing single character use question mark (?) to indicate missing data Missing = ?
CodeTable A name This instruction gives the name of the code table for the protein coding domains of the data CodeTable = Standard
Command Setting Remark Example
Domain A name defines a domain with the given name Domain=first_exon
Gene A name defines a gene with the given name Gene=cytb
Property Exon, Intron, Coding, Noncoding, and End specifies the protein-coding attribute for a domain Property=cytb
CodonStart A number specifies the site where the next 1st-codon position will be found in a protein-coding domain CodonStart=2


!Gene=FirstGene Domain=Exon1 Property=Coding;

!Gene=SecondGene Domain=Intron Property=Noncoding;

!Gene=ThirdGene Domain=Exon2 Property=Coding;
!Label +++__-+++-a-+++-L-+++-k-+++123+++-_-+++---+++;

Distance Input Data

Command Setting Remark Example
DataType Distance Specifies that the distance data is in the file DataType=distance
NSeqs integer Number of sequences NSeqs=85
NTaxa integer Same as NSeqs NTaxa=85
DataFormat Lowerleft, upperright Specifies whether the data is in lower left triangular matrix or the upper right triangular matrix DataFormat=lowerleft


!Title: Concatenated Files;
!Format DataType=Distance DataFormat=LowerLeft NTaxa=6;

0.535 0.436       
0.530 0.388 0.418       
0.521 0.353 0.417 0.345       
0.500 0.331 0.402 0.327 0.349

How to cite

Citation for MEGA 5:

Citation for MEGA 4: