Table of Contents


GENEPOP input file

Genepop 4.1 (24.03.2011)
It computes exact tests for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, for population differentiation and for genotypic disequilibrium among pairs of loci;
It computes estimates of F-statistics, null allele frequencies, allele sizebased statistics for microsatellites, etc., and of number of immigrants by Barton & Slatkin's 1986 private allele method;
It performs analyses of isolation by distance from pairwise comparisons of individuals or population samples, including confidence intervals for “neighborhood size”;
Mantel test

Program information

Data type handled

Input Files

Title line: "Grape populations in southern France"
                    Loc1,Loc2, ADH3,ADH4,ADH5,mtDNA
Grange des Peres , 0201 003003 0102 0302 1011 01


Title line: "Grape populations in southern France"
ADH Locus 1
ADH #2
ADH three
Grange des Peres , 0201 003003 0102 0302 1011 01
Grange des Peres , 0202 003001 0102 0303 1111 01
Grange des Peres , 0102 004001 0202 0102 1010 01
Grange des Peres , 0103 002002 0101 0202 1011 01
Grange des Peres , 0203 002004 0101 0102 1010 01
Tertre Roteboeuf , 0102 002002 0201 0405 0807 01
Tertre Roteboeuf , 0102 002001 0201 0405 0307 01
Tertre Roteboeuf , 0201 002003 0101 0505 0402 01
Tertre Roteboeuf , 0201 003003 0301 0303 0603 01
Tertre Roteboeuf , 0101 002001 0301 0505 0807 01
Bonneau 01 , 0101 002002 0304 0805 0304 01
Bonneau 02 , 0201 002002 0404 0505 0304 01
Bonneau 03 , 0101 002100 0304 0505 0101 01
Bonneau 04 , 0101 100100 0204 0805 0304 01
Bonneau 05 , 0101 100002 0104 0808 0304 01
, 0000 002001 0202 0402 0007 01
, 0200 002001 0202 0205 0707 01
, 0010 002001 0101
0105 0807 01
last pop, 0101 002001 0101 0401 0807 02

This example shows some useful features:


How to cite

Rousset F, 2008. GENEPOP'007: a complete re-implementation of the genepop software for Windows and Linux. Molecular Ecology Resources, 1:103-106