====== meeting at 14.12.07 ====== * design of a new data format to store population genetics data: * XML or XML like * not to complex that you can have a look on your data in the text format * e.g.: * header: Name, Population, number of loci, history of loci (IDs), (loci information), no of individuals/sequences, interleaved data,... * data: in a table like form with IDs, Frequency, Data (... ... ...) * also look at different databases/formats: * ENSEMBL (in [[FASTA]] format) * HapMap: [[http://www.hapmap.org/downloads/encode1.html.en|HapMap:ENCODE Data]] * HGDP * ENCODE (resequencing HapMap) * [[http://jhered.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/content/full/95/1/85|A Prototype Object Database for Mitochondrial DNA Variation -- Neigel and Leberg 95 (1): 85 -- Journal of Heredity]] * [[http://bioinformatics.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/20/suppl_1/i152|TraitMap: an XML-based genetic-map database combining multigenic loci and biomolecular networks -- Heida et al. 20 (Supplement 1): i152 -- Bioinformatics]] * [[http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=11902&page=85|The New Science of Metagenomics: Revealing the Secrets of Our Microbial Planet]] * [[SOLEXA]]: information on how solexa data are handled and concatenated * [[FASTA]] (It seems also that the FASTA format is pretty well spread and it would be worth having a look at) \\ * R-lequin: * give information about how to structure and set XML tags in the output of Arlequin (good visualisation and data extraction to make graphics) * to do until January